17 janvier 2025, Turku, Finlande
Edu 2, Educarium, (Assistentinkatu 5, Turku, Finland)
As a part of the Turku Institute for Advanced Studies (TIAS) and following on from the framework international research project ‘Vice and Virtue in the Nordic and Germanic Countries’ (UiO, Unicaen, Sorbonne University, Umeå Universitet, Turku / TIAS), this workshop invites participants to reflect on the concept of sexual values as not predetermined. We aim to weave connections between disciplines to contribute towards a better understanding of the relationship between sexualities, practices, representations and imaginaries in the Nordic societies and beyond.
09.45 Welcome coffee
10:00 Introduction
10:05 Panel 1 Media and objectification (Chair: Aymeric Pantet, MSCA-TIES Fellow)
10:05-10:25 What Women Want: Representations of single women in Nordic media – Sofia Wanström, Postdoctoral Researcher, Åbo Akademi
10:25-10:45 Changing Representations of Sexual Violations in Finland and Sweden: Media Discussion on Sexual Violence and Harassment on the Ferries – Klara Arnberg, University Lecturer, Stockholm, University and Affiliated Researcher, Södertörn University & Riikka Taavetti, University Lecturer, University of Turku
10:45-11:05 Selfies and self-objectification: On how sexual values came to dominate discussions on selfies – Kaisu Hynnä-Granberg, TIAS Postdoctoral Fellow
11:05-11:20 Q&A
11:20-11:30 Break
11:30 Panel 2 Gender and Literature (Chair: Ranjana Saha, MSCA-TIES Fellow)
11:30-11.50 Sexual Values in the Popular Romance Genre – Elina Valovirta, University Lecturer, University of Turku
11.50-12:10 Sexual Values of the Russian Women at the Fronts of the First World War and the Russian Civil War: Challenges to the Official Discourse – Olga Simonova, TIAS Collegium Fellow
12:10-12:25 Q&A
12:25-14:00 Lunch
14:00 Panel 3 Philosophy and spirituality (Chair: Joona Räsänen, MSCA-TIES Fellow)
14:00-14:20 ‘A Colossal Soul’ and the Pleasure of Mysticism. Spiritual (-ist) Sexualities and Corporeal Spiritualities (Swedenborg, Emerson, Spiritualism) – Mateusz Kucab, Doctoral Researcher, Jagiellonian University
14:20-14.40 “Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church”: Sexual values among observant Christians in Scandinavia – Frédérique Harry, Associate Professor, Sorbonne University
14.40-15:00 Normalizing Sexual Extremism – Jani Sinokki, Grant Researcher, University of Turku & Tiia Sudenkaarne, Postdoctoral Researcher, University of Helsinki
15:00-15:15 Q&A
15:15-15.30 Coffee
15.30-17.00 Keynote Lecture by Jenny Sundén, Professor of Gender Studies at Södertörn University, Stockholm and Visiting Professor, Uppsala University
17:00 Closing remarks
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Frédérique Harry (13 janvier 2025). [JE : Vice&Vertu 2 : Sexe(s) et sexualité(s)]. Ailleurs germaniques, nordiques et néerlandophones. Consulté le 17 février 2025 à l’adresse https://doi.org/10.58079/132o4